Are you constantly in a state of stress? Do the pressures of life seem to be getting to you? Everyone has to deal with concerns—both personal and professional—but if you are becoming consumed by yours, it is essential that you address the problem.
Often when people experience high stress levels, it is because they are fretting needlessly. To minimize the needless tensions in your life and consequently reduce your stress levels, try applying these five suggestions...
What do you do when you feel like giving up? Most people face that question at one time or another. Usually, it arises from fear, frustration, or failure. Perhaps what you have envisioned has not come to fruition, and you are not sure that it ever will.
The dilemma is that there are three answers to that question, each valid in its own way...
What is holding you back from pursuing your dreams and seeing your vision become a reality? Is it fear? Is it the cost? Is it some inconvenience? What is preventing you from achieving everything God has in store for you?
Many people have grand ideas, but few actually come to fruition. More times than not, they lie dormant until they eventually begin to fade away. If you have a vision—whether for your business, your family, or your community—what is it going to take for it to actually take shape?
The answer can be found in a simple word: action. You can dream all you want, but until you take action, a dream is all it will ever be. Action is what transforms a dream from fantasy to fact. In Women Under Construction, I describe it this way:
Whether it happens in your business or in your everyday life, it is inevitable that you will encounter opposition from time to time. Often, the opposition will merely be a challenge to overcome. At times, however, the opposition may take the form of a personal attack. When someone launches an attack on you and does you wrong, how do you respond?
In my new book Women Under Construction, I describe how I have learned to cope with difficult people. Because of daily conflicts and personalities clashing on the construction site, I had to discover...